Werner J. Egli
BLUES FOR LILLY (Englische Ausgabe)

220 Seiten, € 16,40 [D], € 16,80 [A], CHF 18,90 [CH]
ISBN 978-3-03864-409-5 (young adults and adults)

ISBN 978-3-03864-220-6 (Ebook)


Clear as the night sky over the Rimrocks, the story of sixteen-year-old Bradley Fletcher unfolds like a dark blanket hiding his past and his future.


Bradley leaves a sleepy Texas town to see his grandmother Lilly in Memphis, Tennessee. Not knowing what to expect when he gets there, he finds himself in a crime story that happened long before he was born.    Nobody and nothing will stop Bradley in his quest to find the brutal truth of what really happened when a young and beautiful white girl fell in love with a black blues musician in a time when black and white was not a matter of color… but of life or death.


»Blues für Lilly« ist ein aufregendes Stück Literatur über Adoleszenz, über Liebe, die Konventionen und Jahrzehnte überwindet, über Rassenhass, über die Anfänge des Blues und die Suche eines jungen Menschen nach Identität. Sprachlich geschliffen schildert Egli mit leisen Tönen die Intensität der Gefühle und beeindruckt durch Authentizität. Diesem Buch kann man nur wünschen, dass es viele und nicht nur junge Leser findet.«  -  Martina Mattes, KÖB


“In a powerful voice and soft sounds, this European author brings us closer to the deepest feelings that sear our conscience and soothe our aching soul.“

- James A. Pierce, Translator of TUNNEL KIDS


 I will never fail to be fascinated by stories passed down through generations. Even better than those are stories that have only just been uncovered …

- Jo Niederhoff, City Book Review, San Francisco